Law School

Being Productive in Remote Law School

The Zoom Fatigue this semester has definitely been real, so I wanted to share a short list of tips for staying motivated and productive in remote learning/law school! Definitely check out my other blog posts on similar topics, like my posts on how to manage time and how to stay organized!

  • Have a designated study space. No studying in bed, on the couch, etc. Have a designated space! I don’t let myself get in bed unless I’m napping or am done with my schoolwork for the day. 
  • Make your study space one that you love and enjoy spending time in. Light a candle, put up a poster or some sort of wall decor, organize your pens and highlighters into your favorite mug, etc. I also recently switched to an electric sit stand desk, which was really helpful. I highly recommend it if you can afford it.
  • Plan out tasks in a planner/calendar. I block out time by the hour on my calendar to work on readings and outlines for my classes.
  • Keep a list of tasks you need to complete. I like to write out sticky notes because it feels nice to take each one off each time I accomplish something.
  • Pomodoro Method. Work for 25 minutes, take a break for 5. You can find a timer for this method here. I usually take a longer break but the idea is the same. I find it personally helps me to keep working for longer than I would without it!
  • Eliminate distractions. Put your phone away. I put my phone on my nightstand so that I can’t reach it from my desk while I am in zoom class or studying. I also disabled iMessage on my laptop so I wasn’t distracted by messages while studying.
  • Play some motivating music. I use Hans Zimmer and the Spotify “all nighter” playlist most often while studying to focus. (Of course you should skip on the music if it actually hurts rather than helps your focus.)
  • Get out and get some fresh air. Taking a walk or doing something active outdoors is great for your mental and physical health, especially when we are all stuck inside all day in our rooms studying and doing remote class. It also helps you to recharge and be more productive when you return to studying. I try to get outdoors in between classes or during a study break. 
  • Stay organized. For this, i’ll direct you to one of my other blog posts on law school organization.

I'm a student at UC Davis School of Law studying to be an environmental attorney. I enjoy finding cool new food spots, traveling, and live concerts!